5 Bad Skin Care Habits Will Be Tomorrow's Skeletons In YOUR Closet

Bury these 5 bad habits today, so they don’t come back to haunt you tomorrow! Your flawless skin goals may be in jeopardy if you are guilty of committing any of these scary skin care sins. 

Not having a nighttime regime

Your skin's peak rejuvenation hours are while you sleep. Therefore, it is so important to apply the right heavy hitting ingredients prior to bedtime so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your products. If you are not sure which products to use, Dr. Sutton and her team will do an in-depth consultation of your unique skin profile to completely understand your concerns, goals, and vision for your skin. 

Sun worship without SPF

By now, everyone knows how damaging natural and artificial sun exposure is to the skin. Unfortunately, the extent of the damage done isn’t apparent until later in life and can manifest in premature wrinkles, pigmentation, and dark spots. The good news is that it’s never too late to start limiting sun exposure and make sunblock a non-negotiable part of your skin care plan.

Poor sleep habits

Bedtime is when your skin speeds up its cellular turnover rate and increases collagen production. Getting a good night's sleep, washing your pillowcases every week, and sleeping on your back will help make the most of these deep repair hours.

Picking your skin

The temptation is real, but the scars of picking your acne can last forever (although we have lasers that can help). By picking and squeezing your acne spots, you can worsen the discoloration from the lesion and prolong the time its discolored, and, you can create a scar. Do your best not to pick and squeeze even though it’s so tempting.

Not going to the dermatologist to review and remove brown spots

Not all pigmentation, brown spots, sunspots or melasma are created equal. When treated by a Dermatologist, you also receive a proper diagnosis and can be assured that any larger issues, such as early detection of skin cancer are being addressed.

What are the skeletons in your closet? Book your customized consultation today with the highest authority in skin, Dermatologist, Dr. Allison Sutton.

Kristy Lagourgue