The Other B Words, Beauty and Boxing


Boxing is a lot like beauty and aesthetics, in order to be victorious you have to have a strong offensive technique, learn to mitigate the blows and practice defensive moves.

While aging is a privilege, looking your age when it doesn’t match how you feel inside can be difficult. So our goal is to slow down the signs of aging and age gracefully. In this blog post, we’ll talk about fighting aging since we’re comparing it to boxing. But, its not a fight as much as an approach to aging gracefully.

Fighting aging can be compared to boxing in several metaphorical ways. Here are some similarities:

1. Preparation and strategy

In boxing, fighters need to develop a comprehensive plan and prepare themselves physically and mentally for the match. Similarly, fighting aging requires a well-thought-out strategy that incorporates a healthy lifestyle, exercise, diet, and mental well-being to promote overall health and slow down the aging process.

2. Constant effort

Boxers train regularly to maintain their physical fitness and skills. In the same vein, fighting aging requires consistent effort in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying active, ,making the right choices for one's well-being, consistently following a proper skincare routine, (such as applying sunscreen everyday, rain or shine!), and doing regular in office treatments.

3. Defense and offense

In boxing, a good fighter knows when to defend and when to attack. When fighting aging, a balance of defensive measures (e.g., protecting oneself from harmful factors such as excessive sun exposure) and offensive measures (e.g., reducing pigmentation and brown spots from sun damage with lasers and proper medical grade anti-aging skincare) is crucial to slow down the process.

4. Adaptation

Boxers need to adapt to their opponents' tactics and styles during a match. Similarly, as we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and we need to adapt our approach to health and wellness to effectively fight the aging process. If your goal is to restore collagen and reduce wrinkles, then a combination of treatments such as Botox and fillers work well to achieve a rejuvenated appearance.

5. Persistence and resilience

Boxers must be persistent and resilient, bouncing back from setbacks and defeats to keep moving forward. The fight against aging also requires persistence and resilience, as we encounter various age-related challenges and strive to maintain our health and vitality.

6. Time-sensitive

Boxing matches have a limited number of rounds, and the outcome is determined within that time frame. Aging is also a time-sensitive process, and the earlier one starts implementing healthy habits and interventions, the more effective the efforts will be in slowing down the aging process. For example, it is a common misconception that Botox is for reducing wrinkles as people reach their late thirties and beyond, however earlier prevention can actually help to reduce the deeper wrinkles from forming over time.

While the comparison is metaphorical, it highlights the similarities in the approach, mindset, and effort required in both boxing and fighting aging.

To drive this analogy home, think of your skin care routine as the gloves and a series of lasers and skillfully injected filler and botox as the agents that resist the attacks of aging. In the words of Mike Tyson; “ you never lose until you actually give up”. The moral of the story? Don’t throw in the towel because the fight against aging is just a consult away. Book your consult now!

Allison Sutton