The Top 3 Rainy Day Treatments


The saying is true that April showers bring May flowers, but there is also another advantage of the rainy days. It's the ideal time to get your sun sensitive skin treatments!

Read on for the top 3 treatments to book now before the sunny weather is upon us...

1) CoolSculpting body contouring treatments.

Tackle those stubborn fat pockets with CoolSculpting while the weather is rainy. Coolsculpting results take effect approximately 8 weeks after treatment, therefore when the hot weather arrives you will be summer-ready, rain or shine!

Why do you want it?

Targeted Fat Reduction: CoolSculpting is highly effective at reducing fat in specific problem areas that are difficult to address with diet and exercise alone. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, thighs, back, and under the chin.

Non-Invasive and No Downtime: CoolSculpting is entirely non-surgical, which means no incisions, no anesthesia, and no need for a recovery period.

Long-Lasting Results: Once the treated fat cells are eliminated, they are gone for good. As long as you maintain a stable weight through a healthy lifestyle, the results can be long-lasting.


2) Lasers: The BBL and HALO Lasers

Brighten and rejuvenate your skin with BroadBand Light or HALO laser therapy! Rainy days mean less sunlight and the perfect opportunity to recover without worrying about sun exposure after your treatment, which can enhance your results and lower the risk of complications.

Why do you want it?

BBL laser treatments reduce sun spots, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, rosacea and other common skin concerns with little downtime, and age defying results!

The HALO Laser can address skin texture and tone, enlarged pores, wrinkles and fine lines, scars (including acne scars), sun damage, and even pigmented lesions.


3) Hydroquinone Skincare

Start your skin lightening regime on overcast days. Hydroquinone is highly effective for reducing hyperpigmentation and sun spots but requires reduced sun exposure to prevent re-pigmentation. What better time to begin than now before the days getter hotter and sunnier.

Benefits of Hydroquinone?

If you suffer from hyperpigmentation and an uneven skin tone, a hydroquinone skin care regimen can help when prescribed by a professional.


Don’t let the rain get you down; let it be the reason to rejuvenate your skin or reach your summer aesthetic goals. Book your appointment and take advantage of these serene moments to rejuvenate and refresh your skin.

Allison Sutton