Understanding CoolSculpting: A Vancouver Guide


Do you find it hard to target stubborn fat in certain areas through diet and exercise alone? If you answered yes, you are definitely not alone.

Thanks to advancements in body contouring devices, there are solutions available, such as CoolSculpting. If you've heard of this procedure, and are considering CoolSculpting in Vancouver, you might be wondering what the procedure involves and what to expect.

At West Dermatology we’ve seen thousands of patients, and we believe in educating our clients about treatment options. Here's a closer look at the CoolSculpting procedure.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical body contouring treatment (it’s actually the #1 fat reduction treatment in Canada) that uses fat-freezing technology to target and eliminate stubborn pockets of fat. It's particularly effective for areas that are resistant to diet and exercise, such as the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms.


The CoolSculpting Procedure at West Dermatology

The CoolSculpting procedure is straightforward and comfortable. It begins with a consultation, where we discuss your goals and assess your body. This helps us determine the best treatment plan for you.

During the procedure, the CoolSculpting device is applied to the targeted area. It delivers controlled cooling to the fat cells beneath the skin, effectively freezing and destroying them. The entire process typically takes about 35-60 minutes per treatment area.


What to Expect After CoolSculpting

Immediately after the procedure, you can return to your normal activities. There's no downtime needed, making CoolSculpting a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

You'll start to see results within 1-3 months after your CoolSculpting treatment as your body naturally eliminates the treated fat cells. These results typically last for a long time, as the treated fat cells are permanently eliminated.

The number of CoolSculpting sessions required for one treatment area can vary depending on individual factors such as the target area's size, the amount of fat to be reduced, and the person's body composition goals. In many cases, one treatment session is sufficient to see noticeable results. However, some individuals may opt for additional sessions for more significant fat reduction or to treat multiple areas.

For most patients, it is recommended to wait at least 4 to 6 weeks between sessions for the body to naturally process the treated fat cells and for optimal results to become visible. This time frame allows the body's lymphatic system to eliminate the destroyed fat cells and for the treated area to fully recover before undergoing additional treatments.


CoolSculpting is a safe, effective treatment for reducing stubborn fat and achieving a more sculpted physique in hard to target places. At West Dermatology, we're committed to providing the highest quality CoolSculpting treatments in Vancouver. All our treatments are performed by our experienced team of doctors and nurses.

Contact us today to book a consultation and learn more about the CoolSculpting procedure.

Allison Sutton