Updates to Our Services

As of June 1st, 2020, we’re pleased to be able to reopen our doors and welcome patients again! Please note the following important changes we’ve implemented to protect both our patients and staff.

What do I need to know before arriving at my scheduled appointment?

You’ll receive a screening call before your appointment in regards to symptoms, travel history, or contact with a known case of COVID-19. You’ll also be asked to wear a mask to your appointment.

How will you be ensuring health and safety in your clinic?

•  All patients will receive a secondary screening upon arrival, along with a temperature check. 

• Patients are asked to wear a mask to their appointment.

• We ask that you arrive no more than 5 minutes before your appointment time to avoid patient overlap. 

• Appointments will be carefully scheduled to ensure maximum time between appointments; this is in order to minimize the number of people in the clinic at one time.

• We aim to practice physical distancing policies as much as possible in our office and during appointments.

• As always, we maintain the highest levels of sterilization and cleanliness throughout the clinic.

• Doctors and nurses will have significant PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to protect both patients and themselves. 

Can I bring a guest to my appointment?

Currently, no. Only patients with a scheduled appointment will be permitted to attend each appointment. Under normal circumstances we welcome additional guests, but this is an important measure to maintain health protocols.

Do I need to wear a mask to my appointment?

Yes, please. All patients and visitors to the clinic must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when coming to their appointment. 

What are your current procedures for retail product purchases? 

We currently offer direct shipping or pickup for our retail products. Please give us a call or email to place your order and coordinate pickup/delivery. If you choose to pick up your products in person, please note that there may be longer waiting times as we maintain physical distancing and assist only one person at a time. 

We appreciate your understanding!

Please contact us at 604.428.6692 or info@westdermatology.ca to make an inquiry or schedule an appointment.

Thank you!

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